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     Dr. Fabian Vargas
     Senior scientist at IHP
     at Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics, in Germany


     IDS (seminar room UMIC-25) and
     zoom (contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


    Dec. 13th, 2022 at 4pm.




Technology scaling, which made electronics accessible and affordable for almost everyone on the globe, has advanced IC and electronics since the sixties. Nevertheless, it is well recognized that such scaling has introduced new (and major) reliability challenges to the semiconductor industry. This talk addresses the background mechanisms by which ionizing radiation, electromagnetic emission/immunity (EME/EMI) and aging degrade reliability and lifetime of modern integrated circuits (ICs), the current standards and laboratory test setup for total-ionizing dose (TID), single-event effects (SEEs), EME/EMI and aging on ICs. In the sequence, the current solutions to counteract their combined effects on the reliability of ICs are discussed. Experimental results are described and results analyzed in the light of the combined effects.


Fabian Vargas obtained the PhD Degree in Microelectronics from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France, in 1995. At present, he is Senior Scientist at IHP - Leibniz Institute for High Performance Microelectronics, in Germany. He works in the area of computer systems architecture focusing on test, fault-tolerance and security for critical applications. Fabian Vargas has served as Technical Committee Member and Guest-Editor in many IEEE-sponsored conferences and journals. He holds 8 BR and international patents, co-authored a book and published over 200 refereed papers. He co-founded the IEEE-Computer Society Latin American Regional Test Technology Technical Council (LA-TTTC) in 1997 and the IEEE Latin American Test Symposium - LATS (former Latin American Test Workshop - LATW) in 2000. Fabian Vargas received for several times the Meritorious Service Award of the IEEE Computer Society for providing significant services as chair of the IEEE LA-TTTC and LATS. Fabian Vargas is Senior Member of IEEE and Golden Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society.